Kamkalima - Classlink Integration Guide


This guide will provide any Classlink School administrator with the information needed to integrate Classlink and Kamkalima’s platform.

Kindly follow these instructions to have a fully integrated school with all your teachers and students synced properly into our platform.


What is Kamkalima?

Kamkalima is an Arabic educational platform for learning and teaching in schools. We empower Arabic classrooms with the needed tools, resources, and support to raise a generation of students armed with 21st-century skills, and to inspire teachers to do what they do best, teach.


What is Classlink?

Classlink is a company dedicated to education, it creates more time for learning, improves access to digital resources, and simplifies rostering and account provisioning.

For more information about Classlink, check out https://www.classlink.com for more details.

Reaching this page, you probably already know about Classlink so let’s get into it!


What are the requirements for a Classlink Tenant to be fully integrated into Kamkalima’s platform?

As a Tenant Administrator, you probably integrated your school with Classlink, whether through an SIS or Manual Records, you should have all your data in Classlink’s roster server.

You were Introduced to the following Classlink Terms:

Academic Sessions







All of the above components are highly essential for us, to be able to pull all the data needed so that you have a complete automated integration, especially:


Academic sessions

Whether you have one (school year) or more, (semesters) should be within the range of the current academic year



You can have many Orgs in Classlink, but if your Org entity is of type “school”, we will consider this entity as a school having the name you have set for your organisation. If you set several Orgs of type “school” we will create several schools for you



A course can be given to students with different grades, make sure to include all these grades while you input the data into the roster server



A class should refer to one Course, you should specify the grade(s) that this class has. These grade(s) should be within the grades set, specified in the course, to which this class refers



Usually, you add this entry in [Courses, Classes, and Users]. Make sure that these grades are compatible with the grades in each of the 3 components[Courses, Classes, and Users]



Make sure to create one user account as an administrator in a school. A teacher can have a set of grades to teach, but the students should only have one grade. This is very important for your students to have a proper account in Kamkalima. If a teacher or a student is enrolled in more than one school, the user will sign in with the first school enrollment (this will be changed when Kamkalima supports multi-school per user)



Probably the most critical component for the integration, is how we know the structure of your teachers, students, grades, and classes as it allows us to give you the same structure in Kamkalima


Note that after the integration, we will create a teacher-admin account from the system, this role will be assigned to one of your teachers by the
Customer Success Team in later stages.